Hot Girls In The Locker Room


Planet Fitness Advertisement: Hot Girls In The Locker Room Posted on 1/10/2013 by healthclubnews Planet Fitness: “Gymtimidation” Hot Girls In The Locker Room Working out at a gym can be both motivating and discouraging at the same time. Motivating because you can inspire yourself to become as fit as those around you, and depressing because of how fit the people around you are. Planet Fitness’s new ad perfectly captures this contradiction, which the company dubs “gymtimidation.” The funny commercial shows an average-looking woman sitting in the locker room, surrounded by attractive girls in skimpy outfits who are having an entire conversation about how hot they are. Read more: Advertisement: Hot girls in the locker room

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING....\"Imagine selling a health club membership without selling.

“Imagine selling a health club membership without selling. If you have ever given this much thought, I have some good news for you…”

We’re continually asked by health club owners across the country how to get new sales people (or even non salespeople) to be more effective in selling health club memberships. We recently completed an assignment with a health club that was struggling with their new hire membership reps and here is what we told them.

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING….”Imagine selling a health club membership without selling.

The sales approach is simple… first, you must genuinely care about your health club member and guest. Always put them first. As a result, you will gain not only a membership, but also their trust and their referrals. Commit yourself to making a difference in your members and guests lives, and you will prosper-you’ll be selling, but you’re not selling.

Ok, so how do we do it? Here are some proven approaches that can help you sell more health club memberships without selling.

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING….”Imagine selling a health club membership without selling.

1. Put your health club guest first!

Get to know your guest first before you start talking about yourself and everything your club has to offer. Be more interested in their goals…instead of what you have to say. Ask questions about their fitness background and what’s most important to them. Don’t rush to present your memberships. Ask questions early on that help you uncover your guests’ needs. Put your personal agenda to make the sale on the back burner for now. Your membership presentation will come in due time.   
Stay focused on your guests’ wants and needs, not your own.  

 “…six valuable words to be spoken often in your health club: What can I do for you? Here are five others to be spoken in your health club: How can I help you? “

 2.Be genuinely interested in your members and guests

First of all, you don’t push. Stay focused on your guests’ wants and needs, not yours. You don’t chase after your health club guests. The eventual membership sale is not the first and only thing on your mind. Instead, you show you’re genuinely interested, you’re willing to listen, you want to help, and you’re on the lookout for a way you and your health club can make a difference to your guests and members.

3. Be willing to ask

Here are six valuable words to be spoken often in your health club: What can I do for you? Here are five others to be spoken in your health club: How can I help you?

Asking these questions to your member and guest reflects your genuine interest in their well-being. When you show this interest in helping someone else, they will feel, “Wow, this person is really interested in helping me.” And that’s exactly what all of your members and guests want. That’s the atmosphere you want to create in your health club.

“In a nutshell, selling health club memberships without selling is a method to get club guests to come to you because your health club reputation is based on the fact you’re not just out there to make money, you’re out there to make a difference in people’s lives.”

 4.Give your members and guests more than they ever expected

Find out all you can about your members and guests. Ask them what would make a difference for them in your health club. Then, get to work and get it done. If you want to provide super service and have your members and guests become raving fans, then go the extra mile and show you genuinely want to help them to get to where they want to go and get the results they desire. What do you want your health club to be famous for?

5.Be accessible

Make yourself accessible to your health club members. Make it easy for your members to reach you, either by email or by phone. Let your members know that if they have a problem, you are available to them. Also, check in with your members to find out how they’re doing. Just because you get the membership sale doesn’t mean that it’s over and done with for your members.

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING….”Imagine selling a health club membership without selling.

In a nutshell, selling health club memberships without selling is a method to get club guests to come to you because your health club reputation is based on the fact you’re not just out there to make money, you’re out there to make a difference in people’s lives.

Ask yourself this question “Am I applying these proven steps with my members and guests?” If the answer is “yes,” congratulations. You’re making a difference in your health club. If the answer is “no,” then I suggest you to do the following.

Each week select one of the 5 approaches listed above and start applying it with your members and guests. Notice how your members and guests respond to you and notice how it makes you feel when you provide these 5 steps in your health club.

Now, let’s start selling…without selling!

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING….”Imagine selling a health club membership without selling.

Sponsored by: Fitness Life Marketing 1-888-541-0714 ext2
 Article Research Contributor: Amerishape Weight Loss

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING......Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club's Existing Programs

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING......Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club's Existing Programs




FITNESS LIFE MARKETING……Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club’s Existing Programs


Is your corporate wellness program driving new business? In a struggling economy it is imperative that health clubs take a look at their existing marketable assets and expand on them to generate new leads and revenue.

Most fitness clubs fail to achieve long-lasting profits as a result of their inability to market their corporate membership agreements successfully. Contacting human resources representatives at organizations is a way to successfully generate relationships and establish employee discounts, but how can a health club promote its message and expand on leads to generate sustained profits in the future?

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING……Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club’s Existing Programs


Establishing a relationship with an HR director is important, as it opens the door to the whole marketing process. Without this connection it is impossible to get the club’s specific message in front of every employee. The issue resulting from our current economic climate is that discounted memberships alone are not enough to attract clients. More aggressive marketing tactics must be used to bring employees into the location and introduce them to the valuable programs being offered.

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING……Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club’s Existing Programs

As most health club owners will tell you, it is difficult to get potential clients into the club, because working out in public causes anxiety for many. In order to generate traffic, clubs must package some of their already existing value-added services to create specific marketing promotions. These campaigns will give employees other reasons to visit the club and allow them to become comfortable within its environment.

What club services could potentially be used in these corporate marketing campaigns? Based on club usage, a 7- to 14-day guest pass could be included in these promotional packages. Americans have the desire to get fit but become hesitant to commit to any type of contractual agreement. A trial membership will create a relationship between the potential client and the club with no strings attached.

FITNESS LIFE MARKETING……Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club’s Existing Programs


Offering access to an online nutrition program incorporated on the club’s Web page is another beneficial tool. Activation codes to access this online nutrition program could be coupled with trial passes to ensure that all aspects of a healthy lifestyle are being covered by the club’s services. This is a valuable marketing tactic, considering that 60 percent of an individual’s fitness goals are based on nutrition. Online nutrition on the club’s Web site will create personalized meal plans catered toward specific individuals to help them supplement their fitness needs with a proper diet. Marketing this service will simultaneously attract a whole new segment of potential clients who are mainly concerned with nutrition and are unaware that this type of service is being offered at local health clubs. Bringing these potential clients into the club will allow sales associates to explain the importance of combining nutrition with a consistent exercise regimen to achieve their fitness goals. Incorporating these nutritional services creates a whole new outside profit center that can generate revenue from non-members and initiate membership sign-ups in the future.

Integrating access to some of the club’s other services, like personal training, yoga classes, massage therapy and tanning, could produce new leads and generate revenue from a corporate market. Many of these employees are going elsewhere to satisfy these needs. Failing to properly market all the services a club has to offer is allowing sizeable amounts of profit to slip away. An increasing amount of consumers are paying lofty prices for these services at separate specialty locations because they’re unaware that many clubs offer all this value under one roof. It is no wonder these marketable services within these clubs are not realizing as much profit as they could be.


FITNESS LIFE MARKETING……Creative Corporate Marketing: Using Your Club’s Existing Programs


The current economic climate has played a major role in the recent struggle for health clubs to generate new leads and sustain revenue. However, fitness centers fail to realize the potential profit that exists within marketing toward corporate wellness programs. Relationships with human resource representatives can generate access to directly market to the organization’s employees via e-mail. These e-mails can include personalized marketing campaigns sent directly to the HR coordinator that incorporate savvy and intriguing promotional information in a JPEG file, which is then forwarded to each and every employee within the corporation. Personalized e-mail blasts are surefire way to attract every employee’s attention to all the services your club has to offer.

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By: John Peters