Q: How are the expenses handled with Fitness Life Marketing ?

A: With our turnkey fitness marketing program all expenses are handled by Fitness Life Marketing . First we prepare a fitness marketing agreement that is signed off on by both parties. Fitness Life Marketing then advances all the necessary costs to run the health club marketing campaign. The fitness center has nothing to risk. Most health club marketing campaigns at Fitness Life Marketing conducts brings in between 75 to 150 new members and more…..Check out www.fitnesslifemarketing.com

A: The biggest advantage is you can make more money, providing you are willing and able to advance the expenses to initiate the fitness marketing campaign and are confident in your ability to learn and execute the Fitness Life Marketing system with some training.

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You fitness center or health club can enroll 75-150 New Members with Fitness Life Marketing and thier team of management professionals.

“Let fitness Life Marketing Revolutionize Your Club’s Financial Future In Just 30 Days!”
Fitness Lifestyle Marketing
knows what it takes to build a membership base and since 1997 the Fitness Life Marketing team has helped over 300 fitness clubs and full service health club gyms dramatically increase their dues income while infusing new life and energy into the club

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